Petrokhleb-Kuban LLC provides high-quality grain storage services. The Company has a warehouse transshipment complex of JSC Krymskiy Grain Complex, which is located in Krymsk town.
Fourteen floor storage warehouses, interconnected by underground galleries and overhead conveyor systems, allow receiving grain from railway wagons in an amount of up to 2000 tons per day, accumulating up to 30 000 tons at a time, as well as loading cargo to vehicles up to 2000 tons per day.
Transport accessibility is ensured by the presence of three railway tracks with a length of more than 500 meters and asphalted entrances directly to the territory.

The complex includes a modern laboratory, which allows to obtain accurate parameters when accepting products and control the quality of crops during storage in the future.
Complex OJSC
69 Privokzalnaya st.,
Krymsk town,
Krasnodar Territory
Зеновой Комплекс"
Igor Panin
Phone: +7 (861) 314 53 81
Phone: +7 (861) 314 56 90